NFHS Case Book

Rule 7 – Out of Bounds and the Throw-in

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7.1.1 - Player Out of Bounds


A1, while holding the ball inbounds near the sideline, touches (a) player B1; (b) a photographer; (c) a coach; (d) an official, all of whom are out of bounds.

RULING: A1 is not out of bounds in (a), (b), (c) or (d). To be out of bounds, A1 must touch the floor or some object on or outside a boundary line. People are not considered to be objects and play continues. Inadvertently touching someone who is out of bounds, without gaining an advantage, is not considered a violation.


A1 blocks a pass near the end line. The ball falls to the floor inbounds, but A1, who is off balance, steps off the court. A1 returns inbounds, secures control of the ball and dribbles.

RULING: Legal. A1 did not leave the court voluntarily and did not have control of the ball when he/she did. This situation is similar to one in which A1 makes a try from under the basket and momentum carries A1 off the court. If the try is unsuccessful, A1 may come back onto the court and regain control since A1 did not leave the court voluntarily and did not have control of the ball when he/she did.


A1 blocks a pass near the sideline and the ball goes into A1’s front court. A1’s momentum carries him/her out of bounds. He/she immediately returns inbounds, secures control of the ball, dribbles, shoots, and scores.

RULING: Legal. (4-35-1a, 7-1-2, 9-3)


A1 jumps from inbounds to retrieve an errant pass near a boundary line. A1 catches the ball while in the air and tosses it back to the court. A1 lands out of bounds and (a) is the first to touch the ball after returning inbounds; (b) returns inbounds and immediately dribbles the ball; or (c) picks up the ball after returning to the court and then begins a dribble.

RULING: Legal in (a) and (b). Illegal in (c) as the controlled toss of the ball to the court by A1 constitutes the start of a dribble, dribbling a second time after picking up the ball is an illegal dribble violation. (4-15-5, 4-15-6d, 4-35, 9-5)

7.1.2 - Ball Over Backboard


The ball strikes the side edge or top edge of the backboard or passes over the top of the backboard and the ball: (a) came from a throw-in from behind the plane of the backboard; or (b) from a pass or try from the front or back of the plane of the backboard. The ball does not touch any supporting brace.

RULING: If a fan-shaped backboard is being used in (a) and in (b), the ball remains live. If a rectangular backboard is used in (a), the ball remains live after touching the side edge, but it is a violation if it passes directly over the backboard. In (b), the ball remains live if it touches a side edge or the top edge if it rebounds and comes down in front of the backboard. The ball becomes dead if it passes over the top of a rectangular backboard regardless of the action which causes it to pass over or whether it comes from the front or back of the plane.

7.1.2 - Out-of-Bounds Situations


A1, while dribbling, touches: (a) B1 who is standing on a sideline; or (b) a nearby chair or scorer’s table while A1’s feet are inbounds.

RULING: (a) A1 is inbounds. However, if the ball in control of A1 touches B1, the ball is out of bounds and is awarded to Team A at that spot. In (b), A1 is out of bounds and, therefore, the ball is considered to have gone out of bounds. (7-2)


A1 is dribbling in Team A’s backcourt when the ball is deflected by B1. The ball gets away and contacts a child who is (a) walking inbounds (on the playing court); or (b) walking out of bounds. The official sounds the whistle.

RULING: In (a), the ball is not out of bounds since the person contacted, the child, was inbounds. However, for safety reasons the official should stop play and resume from the point of interruption. Team A, the team last in control, will be awarded a throw-in at a spot nearest to where the ball was located when play was interrupted. B1 has committed an out-of-bounds violation in (b). (4-36, 7-2-1)

7.4 - Violation - Throw-in Spot

What and where is the violation when: (a) A1 grabs a rebound at Team A’s basket and passes the ball back across the division line after which it is touched by A2 in the backcourt; (b) A1, in a corner near B’s end line, throws a long pass which crosses the sideline in flight at the division line and touches in the bleachers near A’s end-line extended; or (c) a throw-in by A1 from near the division line goes through A’s basket before touching another player on the court?

RULING: In (a), the violation is not for causing the ball to go into the backcourt, but for A2 touching it first after it went there. The throw-in for Team B is at a spot out of bounds nearest to the spot where A2 touched the ball. In (b), the violation is for causing the ball to be out of bounds, but since the ball is not out of bounds until it touches something, the violation occurs when the ball touches the bleachers and the throw-in by B is at the out-of-bounds spot nearest such touching. In (c), the violation is by A1 for throwing the ball so that it enters the basket before touching another player on the court. The throw-in by B in (c) is from the spot of A1’s throw-in. (9-2-2, 9-2-6, 9-9-1)

7.5.1 - Throw-in Delay Following Time-out


The administering official has reached a five-second throw-in count on Team A after placing the ball on the floor when A was not ready to resume play following a time-out. What happens next?

RULING: The violation is administered and the ball is made available to Team B for a throw-in, at the same spot. If a Team B player is not in position, the same procedure is followed. If both teams have violated, a technical foul will be assessed for any further delay by either team. Team A must now have a thrower available, plus all other players on the court and Team B must be on the court ready to play also. If either or both teams are not in compliance immediately, a technical foul shall be charged. (4-38, 5-4-1)


Team A does not break the huddle after the second horn for a 60-second time-out. The official puts the ball down at the designated spot and begins the five-second count. The administering official is between four and five on the count when Team B reaches over the boundary and grabs the ball.

RULING: Delay-of-game warning on Team B for reaching across the plane. No Team A member ever possessed the ball for the throw-in; therefore, a technical foul would not be assessed. (10-2-5)

7.5.2 - Determining Throw-in Spot


Where is the throw-in when: (a) A1 travels and following the whistle the ball is thrown through the basket; (b) A1 fouls prior to A2’s try which goes through the basket; (c) there is goaltending or basket interference by the offense; or (d) A1 is preparing to attempt the second free throw when A2 violates?

RULING: In (a), (c) and (d), the throw-in will be from the out-of-bounds spot nearest to where the violation occurred. In (b), the throw-in is at the out-of-bounds spot nearest to where the foul occurred unless a free throw(s) results. (4-42-6, 7-5-4a)


A1 is awarded two free throws and makes the first one. A2 violates on A1’s second attempt and B is awarded the ball for a throw-in. Can the thrower of B run the end line?

RULING: No. The throw-in shall be from a designated spot outside the end line.

7.5.3 - Inadvertent Whistle

An official sounds his/her whistle inadvertently: (a) while A1 is dribbling and in player control; (b) while the pass is in flight from A1 (in A’s backcourt) to A2 (in A’s frontcourt); (c) while A1’s unsuccessful three-point try attempt is in flight; or (d) while A’s successful try attempt is in flight.

RULING: The ball is put in play at the point of interruption. In (a), Team A is awarded a throw-in at the nearest out-of-bounds spot to where the ball was when the whistle was inadvertently sounded. In (b), since the ball is being passed among teammates and is in flight, it retains the same location as when it was last in contact with A1 in Team A’s backcourt. Therefore, Team A is awarded a throw-in at the nearest out-of-bounds spot to where A1 was when the whistle was sounded. In (c) and (d), the ball does not become dead until the try ends. In (c), since there is no team control when the ball becomes dead, the ball is put in play by the team entitled to the throw-in using the alternating-possession procedure at a spot nearest to where A1 was last in contact with ball when the whistle was sounded. In (d), since a goal has been scored by Team A, the ball is given to Team B for a throw-in anywhere along the end line. (4-4-3, 4-12-3, 4-12-6, 4-36, 7-4-4)

7.5.4 - Designated Spot

Where is the ball awarded to the offended team when prior to the bonus: (a) while trying for goal A1 charges B1 and then releases the ball and it goes through Team A’s basket; or (b) airborne shooter A1 charges into B1 after which A2 touches the ball while it is in the cylinder?

RULING: In both (a) and (b), the goal does not count and the throw-in by B will be from the spot nearest the foul. (2-9-2)

7.5.7 - Throw-in Spots


B1 goaltends on airborne shooter A1’s try. A1 fouls B1 in returning to the floor.

RULING: Since no free throws result from the player-control foul, B’s throw-in is from anywhere along the end line because of the awarded goal for B1’s goaltending violation. (9-12 PENALTY 1)


Team A scores a field goal. B1 picks up the ball after the made basket, then proceeds out of bounds to start the throw-in process. B1 runs along the end line out of bounds while attempting to find an open teammate for the throw-in. Immediately after B1 releases the throw-in pass, (a) the ball is kicked by A2 near the end line; (b) the ball is kicked by A2 near the division line; or (c) the ball is deflected out of bounds across the end line off of A2. 

RULING: In (a) and (b), A2 has violated by kicking the ball. In (a), Team B will be awarded a throw-in and retain the right to move along the end line on the ensuing throw-in. In (b), Team B will put the ball in play at a designated spot nearest the violation, which is the division line. In (c), A2 legally contacted the ball and subsequently hit it out of bounds, ending the throw-in. Team B is awarded a designated spot throw-in on the end line.


Team B has scored a field goal and A1 has the ball along the end line for a throw-in. Team A is not in the bonus. Prior to the ball being thrown inbounds by A1: (a) B1 fouls A2 inbounds near A1; (b) B1 fouls A2 at the division line; (c) B1 fouls A2 beyond the division line; or (d) A2 requests a time-out.

RULING: In (a) and (d), Team A may throw-in from anywhere out of bounds along the end line following the foul reporting and the time-out. In (b) and (c), the ball will be given to Team A for a throw-in from the spot out of bounds nearest to where the foul occurred.



Team A scores a field goal. B1 picks up the ball and steps out of bounds at the end line to prepare for a throw-in. Before the throw-in is completed, A2 commits an intentional (or flagrant) foul on B3 near the end line. 

RULING: B3 would shoot the two free throws for the intentional (or flagrant) foul with the lane cleared. Team B will then have a designated spot throw-in on the end line. (7-5-4b)


While A1’s three-point field-goal attempt is in flight, A3 fouls B1 (B is not in the bonus) near the bottom block area. The three-point field-goal attempt is successful.

RULING: Score the three-point goal for A1. Team B will be permitted to run the end line on the ensuing throw-in. (6-7-7EXCEPTION 2)


A1 is fouled during an unsuccessful try and is awarded two free throws. While A1’s successful first free throw is in flight, A2 fouls B1 along the lane. Team B is not in the bonus. The lane is cleared for A1’s second attempt. A1 then violates by having a foot through the free-throw-line plane prematurely.

RULING: The free-throw violation by A1 cancels the second attempt. Since Team B is not in the bonus, it results in a designated spot throw-in from the nearest spot out of bounds from where A2’s foul occurred. Team B may not run the end line as the last free throw was unsuccessful. (9-1-3e)

7.6.2 - Backboard Supports

During a throw-in, A1 passes the ball over the braces supporting a rectangular backboard. The ball does not touch any of the braces and is subsequently controlled by A2, who throws the ball in Team A’s basket. The ball did not pass over any part of the rectangular backboard.

RULING: The ball was live and the throw-in ended when it was touched by A2, thus A2 scored a field goal. This play is somewhat different than those most frequently used to bring out the point that the ball becomes dead when it passes over a rectangular board. The rules do not identify the supports as being part of the backboard. (5-1, 7-1-2b)

7.6.4 - Throw-in Plane


While attempting a throw-in, A1 holds the ball through the plane of the end line. B1: (a) slaps the ball from A1’s hand(s); or (b) simply grabs the ball and then throws it through B’s basket.

RULING: In (a), no violation has occurred and play continues. In (b), score two points for Team B.


A1 is attempting to make a throw-in and Team B is applying a great deal of pressure. B1 reaches through the boundary-line plane and waves his/her hand in an effort to prevent the pass. The action takes place on a court which has more than 3 feet of unobstructed space outside the boundary line.

RULING: Team B is warned for violation of the boundary plane. The warning is reported to the scorer and to the coach and applies for the rest of the game. Any subsequent delay-of-game situation by Team B shall result in a technical foul charged to Team B. (9-2-10, 10-2-1c)


The sideline is very near the spectators leaving little space out of bounds for A1 to make a throw-in. As a result, the administering official has directed B1 to move back a step to give the thrower some room. As soon as the ball is handed or bounced to A1, B1 moves right back to the boundary line in front of A1.

RULING: It is a violation by B1 and will also result in a warning for Team B which is reported to the scorer and to the head coach. Any subsequent delay-of-game situation or noncompliance with the verbal order will result in a technical foul charged to Team B. (10-2-1b)


Following a goal, A1 is running the end line when B1 reaches through the plane in an attempt to prevent the throw-in.

RULING: Team B is warned for the violation which is reported to the scorer and to the head coach. A1 may run the end line during the subsequent throw-in.


Thrower A1 inadvertently holds the ball through the end-line plane during a throw-in. B1 is able to get his/her hands on the ball and A1 cannot pull it back.

RULING: A held ball is called, resulting in an alternating-possession throw-in. If the original throw-in is an alternating-possession throw-in, Team A still has the arrow following the held ball.

7.6.5 - Positions Parallel to End Line

Prior to a throw-in on the end line near A’s basket, A1, A2 and A3 line up shoulder-to-shoulder parallel to the line and: (a) within 3 feet of it; or (b) more than 3 feet from it. In both cases, Team B requests space between the Team A players.

RULING: In (a), the request is granted and a Team B player may position between each of the Team A players. In (b), the request is denied.

7.6.6 - Throw-in by Wrong Team by Mistake

Team A is awarded a throw-in near the division line. The administering official by mistake, puts the ball at B1’s disposal. B1 completes the throw-in and Team B subsequently scores a goal.

RULING: No correction can be made for the mistake by the official after the throw-in ends.